Furnace Tune-Up

Regular tune-ups are an important part of keeping your furnace in working order. Routine maintenance can help extend the life of your furnace and increase performance and efficiency. In addition, it can save money by lowering energy costs and could prevent potentially costly repairs in the future.

During a heater tune-up from Air Comfort Solutions, one of our heating specialists will check your system and perform various tasks to make sure your furnace is running properly. Here's what you can expect from your heating specialist during your furnace's tune-up:

Clean and adjust ignition assembly, blower components, and air filters

Test starting capabilities and safety controls

Lubricate all moving furnace parts

Measure connections, volt/amps, temperature difference, and air flow

Tighten electrical connections

Adjust thermostat calibration

Conduct carbon monoxide testing

Our heating specialists are also available to answer any questions you may have about your HVAC heating system and its components.

To schedule your furnace tune-up with Air Comfort Solutions, call us at (405) 721-3740 in Oklahoma City or at (918) 743-2300 in Tulsa. We're available seven days a week to help get your furnace ready for winter.