Common Heating Problems: No Furnace Heat

If your furnace is not producing heat, there could be a number of causes. Here are a few things you can do to identify and remedy potential causes for a non-functioning furnace.

Check the breaker box. The most common cause for a furnace to stop producing heat is a tripped breaker. Although you likely have a gas furnace, the furnace's blower motor requires electricity, and a tripped breaker will cause the motor to stop functioning.

Check the gas control valve. The gas control valve, which leads to the furnace, should be all the way open, and there should be an unrestricted flow of gas to the furnace.

Check the furnace pilot light. If the gas is flowing, check to make sure the furnace's pilot light is lit. Without the pilot light, the furnace cannot generate heat.

Check the thermostat. A faulty thermostat could prevent the furnace from turning on and off and should be replaced.

Call Air Comfort Solutions. Air Comfort Solutions is available to repair your furnace seven days a week.

Call us at (405) 721-3740 in Oklahoma City or at (918) 743-2300 in Tulsa.